Sneak Peek Guidelines
Preorders are open! We’re so excited to see orders ticking up already, but we will also be promoting the zine and its contents frequently over the next month and we’d like to feature some sneak peek looks at what’s inside to get people interested.
If you have not already filled out your Contributor Credit form do so now! This is priority one, so we can advertise the full list of creators involved. You can find that form here.
Artist Sneak Peek Guidelines | Writer Sneak Peek Guidelines
Artists pick one of two options: you can use the provided template to create your own sneak peek graphic and send us the completed graphic, or you can send us the cropped art you wish us to use, and we will create your graphic.
Keep the following requirements in mind when selecting your crop:
- must be a crop from one of your Reforged zine pieces
- must be at least 700 x 700px
- must not reveal the whole image, but should tease its contents*
- must be SFW (if your piece(s) are NSFW and you’re having trouble creating a SFW crop, please get in touch)
- can be from any of your pieces/panels if you contributed more than one piece and/or a comic (only one sneak peek is required per artist)
*Comic Artists: if you feel like the size or shape of this template doesn’t showcase your comic piece appropriately, feel free to reach out and we can consider other options for sneak peeking comics.
You can download the template here.
Please send your sneak peek graphic or cropped art to as soon as possible. The final deadline for sneak peek submissions is Wednesday the 22nd.

Please select an excerpt from any one piece you contributed to this zine and submit it to us. We will create a promotional graphic using this excerpt.
Excerpts must:
- be from any one of your Reforged zine pieces
- be between 100-200 words
- be SFW (if your piece(s) are NSFW and you’re having trouble picking a SFW excerpt, please get in touch)
- be from any of your fics if you contributed more than one piece (only one sneak peek is required per writer)
Please send your sneak peek excerpt to as soon as possible. The final deadline for sneak peek submissions is Wednesday the 22nd.