Contributor Thank You Pack

If you only want the physical items that you get for free, this is your pack!

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: N/A Category:


This pack has one of everything that contributors get for free. Each contributor is entitled to one base pack. You may not order more than one base pack.

  • 1 physical copy of the main zine
  • 1 physical copy of the NSFW book
  • A special contributor button to thank you for your contribution!
  • Stretch goal sticker sheet
  • Stretch goal cover print

Both zines are perfect bound and sized 21 x 29.7 cm. Shipping for this pack is free, however if you add additional items to your order, a shipping charge may eventually apply.

The maximum order of this pack per contributor is 1. If you’d like additional items, you can add them piecemeal to your order at cost, or add the full merch pack.

If you would like to exclude the NSFW book or the merch, please select the appropriate option from the dropdown.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg

Full Basic Pack, No NSFW, Main Zine Only, Main Zine+NSFW Zine Only