Mod Introduction: Ladydarkphoenix

Mod introduction: Ladydarkphoenix!
The applications for our Winteriron Zine are still open.
Does a little bit of everything
I’m a fic author and nerd crafter mostly. Ran the Iron Man Big Bang and Iron Man Flash Bang. Contributed to various fandom projects over the years. Love brainstorming new ideas and being an enabler
Why do you love WinterIron?
I’ve always been drawn to characters that are a bit broken and trying to do their best despite things. Between comics and MCU I just love the potential the two have together.
Why should people join the zine?
Working with others to make something is always an amazing experience. Definitely recommend giving it a shot to share love for our boys.
Tumblr: @ladydarkphoenix-blog, AO3: ladydarkphoenix
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